Mikhail Naimy: Inspired by Christ
This book is an exciting and informative spiritual journey in the company of Christ. It is an open and honest dialogue, a heart to heart conversation with Jesus, a friend, a man, and “The Savior.” The book is daring and provocative but inspiring. Naimy wrote it when he was in his eighties. It is the fruit of years of meditation and analysis. It compels you to re-think and re-evaluate your own understanding of the Holy Book and the stories that you grew up with and accepted at face value. These are the stories that you took for granted to be the truth and the whole truth about your faith and beliefs. It is a personal journey of self discovery towards the holy, the sacred, and the divine residing inside each one of us. However, even at times when you think that Naimy is questioning the authority of the Gospel and the narrative of a certain evangelist, you cannot doubt or even suspect the author’s faith and belief in Christ. The book teaches you how to read the Bible, and if you have read it, it makes you think of how to understand it. It compels you to re-consider certain things that you had never thought of before or have questioned before. Consequently, you think that you have read the Bible, but until you have read Naimy’s book, your reading of the Gospels shall remain incomplete and even shallow. You will be surprised how much you have missed and how much you have overlooked or did not stop to re-consider and analyze. In his philosophy and religious thought, Naimy transcends any sect, church, denomination or group in his search for the Divine. He does not subscribe to any laws, commandments, rituals, or particular observances because his message is intrinsically universal in its content and in its application and practice.